Don Dickerman Ministries

Jose Acevedo Testimony

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 Testimony of Jose Acevedo

Saved and serving before sought and sentenced: Federal Inmate Drug Kingpin, Jose Acevedo, USP Allenwood, PA.


           My name is Jose Acevedo. I was born in the Dominican Republic on the 4th day of April, 1962 and I am a humble servant of the Lord. I pray to God that this would be a great blessing for all who read this and that it would touch the hearts of those who do not know Christ as their personal savior, that they would accept Him in this very moment and for those who do know Him would maintain an open attitude. So that the enemy does not take advantage of us and deceive us, like he did with me.  We fall from the grace that was given to us in our Savior, Jesus Christ, to Him be the Power, the Glory, and the Honor forever, Amen.


My Mother Told God She Has Dedicate Me To Him From Her Womb

           I was born in spite of a womb that was sentenced to death. Two of my brothers tried to come into this world, before me, but death was present in the womb of my mother, it was not permitted. The doctors communicated to my mother that she could not have any more children, but my mother, in spite of it all received me in her womb and she was determined not to lose me (God bless her). She sought the help of one who could in Jesus Christ and truly He heard her cry and He helped her. Much later she had an accident and was at the point of losing me in her womb, but she would not allow herself to be defeated and although the doctors did not have any hope that I would live, my mother who knew the Giver of Life in a personal way, He that can do all things, our Father and Savior Jesus Christ, she lifted her petition before the throne of grace and told God that she would dedicate me to Him from within the womb, that I might serve Him all my life. What was demonstrated was that even before I was born Satan was trying to destroy me, but the All Powerful had other plans for my life and He allowed me to live in a miraculous way.

           I was born in the bosom from a home with much love, and being an only child, my parents devoted themselves completely to take care of me and give me all that was necessary, all that I needed. My mother, as a christian, instructed me in the ways of God. All was harmonious until the wind of tragedy reached our home. The raging destruction of the enemy began to separate the union of our family. My father fell into his wicked ways, like prey falling to the ways of the lion, which in silence ambushes his victims.

           A woman caught the attention of my father, it might have been the enchantment that caused him to abandon a mother and her child who was only 4 years old. However, this separation did not cause many problems in my life because my father always faithfully helped my mother and supported us even though he was absent.

The Abyss of Adultery

           The enemy goes about looking who to devour and when he traps his victim, without mercy, consumes our lives. My mother began to take on the roll of mother and father, giving me the best of her life, also with a strong hand would discipline me. She wanted me to be a good man. My life was developing normally and good. I studied and obeyed my mother in everything. At the age of approximately 17 years old I wanted to be free of discipline from my mother. I wanted to be independent. I wanted to explore new horizons, have new adventures, be like the other young people. I wanted to enjoy the worldly life like my friends without obstacles or opposition. In trying to explore new horizons I fell into the abyss of adultery (the trap that satan used throughout the course of my life, until I found Christ). Satan had me trapped, using a married woman. She trapped me and made me her slave. Finally, I realized that little by little I stopped praying and at the same time I stopped studying the Word. I was living the life that brought me pleasure. I was only 17 years of age.

           My father wanted to acquaint me with the United States. He was already living in that country. I, too, thought that if I could go to this country, things would change because I planned to study and work and help my mother, who with all of her love had dedicated herself to me.

Satan Used My Associations to Distract Me

           When I celebrated my 19 years, I traveled to the United States. Shortly after being here, I found work and I began to spend weekends with a cousin who lived in Brooklyn. Satan used my associations to distract me. With the influence of my cousin, I became dependent on the use of alcohol, marijuana and later cocaine. The direction satan had for me now was producing results. Little by little, I was sinking deeper in the mire and I was covered with mud.

           I now had a relationship with another married woman. I did not understand, but one sin led to another and by this time, the God, the one who my mother spoke of and taught me about was now only a distant and vague memory. I had forgotten of the one who had permitted my existence in a miraculous way. I lacked in understanding, I had converted to foolishness. I was stubborn. I became unfaithful, ignoring the fact my mother asked God to give me life and she dedicated my life for the rest of my days. But even though we are unfaithful, He remains faithful to His promises.

           In 1983, I met a young lady and was lost in what we thought was love. We were united but things just got more difficult. I wanted to continue helping my mother, but I had other responsibilities and since I did not want to decrease my mother's help I began to have financial problems. Satan used these difficulties to get me deeper into sin.

           I was able to buy an apartment. They made it easy for me to make payments. My female companion was pregnant and during that time I had a new found relationship with another married woman and from that relationship, I had two children. Since we did not want anyone to know she made her husband think the children were his. Each day was worse.

           I began to mistreat my female companion (something new had awakened in me that I had never experienced, it was the spirit or sense of jealously and violence). I began abusing her verbally and physically. I could not control myself. On one occasion I began to attack her with my fist. I did not care that she was pregnant. My life had begun changing in a way that was burdensome. A short time later our tiny little daughter was born, but even her birth did not cause me to change my ways.

           I began to feel the burden of my responsibility and the grip of sin began to tighten on my life. I began to sell drugs. I did this to make more money and start my own liquor business. Now I had my liquor business and the liquor had me. Each day seemed worse. My companion would not stay with me and she left the house. I looked for her and tried everything to get her back.

           A year later I met other people in this business. By this time the greed had blinded me. I now desired to have more than I planned when I began this business. Now I started to rely on all kinds of luxuries and things at my reach. The adultery increased more in my life. By now things were easy for me to get. I had the money to get what I wanted, no matter the cost.

I Was Paying the Price

           I was alone and I looked for refuge in drugs. Drugs had become my god. I was so dependant on drugs that I lost my memory. Sometimes they would give me money and I would lose it and I had no idea what I did with it. On several different occasions I almost lost my life. I was paying the price! This situation had me feeling desperate on various occasions. I tried to take my own life many times. I would see myself clutching in my hands different kinds of weapons trying to decide which one I could use to take my life. But satan's plan failed. God had control of the situation.

I Looked For Help in Witchcraft

           I tried to find help for my problem. I looked for help in witchcraft, but none of this got any better. There were no demonic powers that could help me in my situation. Eventually, I became involved with four women, all married. Perhaps one of the jealous husbands would kill me. Again satan's plan failed.

           There was a young man that helped me to continue in my business. One night while under the influence of drugs I happened to see an Evangelistic programs I began to listen to them on the radio. God was knocking again at my door on many different occasions, I knew the preacher could see me and yet, at times it seemed he could. Once he said, `Listen to me you who are under the influence of drugs.' At that moment, little by little, it was penetrating to my heart. I had turned my back upon God. Now He was calling me, He offered me a second chance. He had not forgotten me!

           It was in October 1991. I challenged God and I told Him, "God, if you really exist, I want you to help me regain my memory and if this occurs, I will stop using drugs and attend church". Again God heard me and I regained my memory, but I could not fulfill what I had promised God, I continued using even stronger drugs. But God had caused me to remember, I had two children that I had pretty much ignored. Nearby where I lived, there was a small Pentecostal church. I had once attended and when I returned, the pastor's wife told me she had been praying for me for two weeks. When I told her all that had been happening in my life, she replied that God wanted me to surrender my life to Him and that God was working in my life inspite of all that was happening to me.

I Told God That I Offered My Life to Him

           By December 31, 1991, just before the New Year, I was in front of my house looking to the heavens.

I cried out to God for forgiveness again, but this time it was with repentance and godly sorrow for my sin. I had complete understanding of what I was doing. I told God that I offered my life to Him and if it were necessary to die for the cause of evangelism, I was prepared to do it. I accepted Jesus, God's Dear Son into my heart as my personal Savior. I left my business and began attending church, but I was still dependant on illegal drugs. Months passed, I was living "a halfway life" . It caused me many problems. The Bible tells me to be extremely hot or cold, but not lukewarm. I wanted to serve the Lord in Spirit and Truth, but the demons and vices held me captive.

           I was so embarrassed, I did not want to live like a hypocrite. The Holy Spirit began to work in the very depths of my heart. It made me remember what He had taken me out of, how He had restored my memory and cleansed me from my sin. I cried out to my Savior, `Jesus, with your mercy help me.' He knew that I wanted to give Him all my heart. We know that nothing can be hidden from HIM!

           Thanks be to God, He heard my prayer and the prayers of my brothers. I was free of the invisible chains of the enemy. Now I could feel the joy of a genuine relationship with Christ. I am extremely happy all those years of pain were gone, forever gone. I am sure that nothing can cause me harm. Well, I deposited my faith and life in the hands of Him who can do all things, our Father and Blessed Savior, Jesus Christ.

Suddenly the Darkness Surrounded Me

           Suddenly the darkness surrounded me. One secret indictment had appeared. It seemed that the sun that illuminated my days was now hidden and I was left to let me die in the cold. The young man who had `helped' me was put in prison. This was almost a year after having made my decision to follow Christ and having served Him faithfully with all my heart and soul and my life. This young man made "a deal" with the district attorney and he began to turn in names of associates. I was arrested and sentenced to life.

           In all of these problems alot of questions came to my mind because I was living faithfully for Him and everyday sought His face. I thought this was only a nightmare and that this couldn't be possible and quickly I would awaken from my dream and everything would return to normal. These and many other thoughts crossed my mind. I was confused, but nevertheless, I loved Christ and I continued to feel the joy of the Lord even in the middle of this problem.

           It was hard to understand that I was now gathering what I had sown before I came to Christ. God had forgiven me, but I had to pay the consequences of my sins. everything that we do has consequences, every action and reaction. We learn from our experiences because everything works for good to those who love the Lord, and that's precisely what God was doing in my life. Well, He is preparing me each day for the work He is going to use me for.

           The apostle Paul persecuted and even killed some followers of Jesus and even though he was faithful in all things to God and repented with all his heart, he paid the consequences of his sins.He suffered many physical sufferings, in fact he was in prison and died in prison and many other examples that we find in the Holy scriptures.

This is Your Opportunity To Kill Him

           Some would call this an accident, but I called it God's plan. In El Reno, Oklahoma, a few days after I had been arrested, I arrived there and ran into the young man that "snitched on me". He told me that it was all a mistake. Satan started to put bad things in my mind, such as, this is your opportunity to kill him, but then God's voice would also tell me and cause me to remember of all that Jesus Christ suffered and all they did to Him and even while on the Cross He said forgive them because they don't know what they are doing and that's what gave me the strength to forgive and also love him to the extreme that I took him to live with me in the room that I was given. Later I told him why I did this.

           He knew that I walked with God, yet he refused to believe it. He even went to the extreme to ask me if I would work with him in his evil ways. I answered that I no longer resolved my problems that way that now I resolve my problems on bended knee to the one who is all powerful. Afterwards, I was able to understand what God's plan was, to show satan that Jesus had really changed my life and that it was not important where I would be, I will continue serving Him because the truth is I love Him with all my heart and soul and all my strength. After I received my Life sentence God put me in the midst of those who talked mocked me and my life for Christ. We were all in the cell for those waiting to go to court. Well, they would make fun of me, but God gave me the ability to love them all. God was glorified.

He Had Brought Me to the Desert to Prepare Me and to Show Me How to Depend Upon Him Totally

           A few months later the Spirit reminded me that I, still, had not forgiven this young man. I asked God to renew my relationship with Him and again He heard my prayer and He gave me the opportunity to be with Him in a miraculous way and it was then that I really realized the Power of God was controlling my mind and impulses, "Praise be to God". I forgave him anew and I told him I loved him in Christ. Afterwards, I could understand God's plan. He had brought me to this desert to prepare me for the mission that He has for me and to show me how to depend totally on Him!

           Dear brother and friend, I want with all my heart to alert you so that you can make your peace with God. If you are living like I was living, or if you are thinking of experimenting with the things this world has to offer. Please, I beg you not to let yourself be fooled by satan. Find help in the Church and in the Word of God and for you who do not know Jesus as your personal Savior, know Him this very moment. Give Him the opportunity to enter in your heart and let Him show you the way to Eternal Life. He says, "I am the Truth, the Way, and no one comes to the Father but by me". The experience of being in prison is not something I would desire for another person. So I ask of you to pause and take time to think. Don't let it be too late. Christ is waiting for you with open arms.

           Being in prison has been a great blessing in my life. I must confess to Him that while some think it strange that I give thanks to God for having brought me to this place. If I should leave this place and depart from His ways, I would prefer that my life be taken in these moments or that I would be left in this place forever. I will be very grateful for your prayers for me as I serve Him.

           You may receive Christ by praying, with sincerity, this simple heart felt prayer: "Come into my heart Lord Jesus and save my soul. I believe You are the Risen Savior and I believe You love me. I receive You by grace and through faith as my Savior and I thank You for giving to me eternal life."

With Love in Christ Jose' Acevedo,
A Servant of Christ's in prison.




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